Thursday, February 12, 2009

Affordable and Fun Valentines Ideas from the staff at CLRS.

Slow day around the office today so we started throwing around ideas for Valentine’s Day.

1. Take 365 pieces of candy and wrap each piece in a cute note for your loved one to open each day for the next year. Some ideas for notes might be: inside jokes, reminders, innuendos, declaration of love, etc.

2. Make a mix CD – Now the important part = record yourself saying something naughty between the third and fourth song. Don’t mention the recorded message; just let it happen naturally. This might really be fun if he happens to listen to your mix in the car with his mates.

3. Long Distance? Have your long-distance loved one wear his or her favorite tee to sleep and then send it to you. Now you can wear the shirt to bed and you’ll feel that much closer.

4. Select a recipe at random from a cookbook for the two of you to make together.

I hope we’ve given you inspiration to create your own fun Valentine Day for your loved one!

Monday, February 2, 2009

CLARO IPL Acne Clearing Device mentioned in MedEsthetics Magazine

Wow, the CLARO isn't available until summer and we're already getting great press!

click on the image above to read what MedEsthetics Magazine had to say about the CLARO IPL Acne Clearing Device.