Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It’s that time of the semester again. The time that every college student wishes they could just skip over, or sleep through. Fortunately for you many members of the CLRS team are in school and have been kind enough to share their go to secrets for making it through finals.

Preserve your Sleep! It’s important to make sure you get an adequate amount of sleep, both quantity & quality. No all nighters or caffeine binges, as they will backfire.

Breathing Exercises - I know it sounds corny but trust me it’s a great way to wake up your mind when studying or before taking an exam.

Listen to Music! Listening to music has shown positive results when listened to while studying. The right tone of music can lower your blood pressure, relax your body, and calm your mind.

Take Breaks! Try not to study for more than 2 hours at a time. Your brain needs to rest when learning just as your body needs to rest when exercising. Clearing your head will allow you to retain more information.

Do not get distracted! When taking a break, don’t let them go on too long. Eat a banana, step outside for some air, but do not do something that you'll get caught up in, like TV or checking e-mail.

Eat well! This applies to the whole week, not just the morning of a final. Eat balanced meals at normal times.

These tips might seem obvious, but remember even little details can have a tremendous impact on your test results!

Good Luck from the CLRS team!

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